Dan Hunter on Creativity

How do we prepare students for jobs that don’t yet exist using technologies that haven’t been invented?

The future requires the imagination that leads to creativity—the one 21st century skill no one teaches. We live in a world where change is constant, rapid, and unpredictable. The most important skill we can learn and teach is effective imagination to enable us to adapt to the unexpected.

All ideas begin in imagination and all humans have imagination that could lead to creativity.
Imagination is simply the ability to predict outcomes, visualize scenarios, and engage in counterfactual thinking. The ideation process is imagination.

So, if you want creativity, and the world does, you need stronger and more imagination.

For teachers, students, parents, and anyone interested in creativity, Learning and Teaching Creativity by Dan Hunter inspires and promotes individual imagination. He details steps to improve student creativity through imagination. Hunter explores metacognition, teacher attitudes, exercises, ideation, and problem-solving techniques. Throughout the book are stories of creative successes fueled by imagination: Marie Curie, Albert Einstein, Franz Schubert, Sherlock Holmes, Leonardo Da Vinci, and more. Hunter clearly explains the latest neuroscience on creativity. Hunter draws on humor, extensive research, and his lifetime of
practicing and teaching creative work.

Dan Hunter’s book, Learning and Teaching Creativity, is available from

Teachers receive a 20% discount.

Audiobook is available at